Egypt 2
Cairo - The Citadel of Saladdin & the Mosque of Sultan Hassan. The mosque is the largest in Egypt and reputed to be the most beautiful |
They did not make us take off our shoes, but provided booties to put on over them. View of the mosque from the citadel courtyard. |
Overview of Cairo from the citadel. |
Citadel of Saladdin. |
The tomb of the Unknown Soldier and the tomb of Anwar Sadat. |
Taking a boat ride on the Nile with Sal and Henry |
Walking the streets of Old Cairo |
At the Suez Canal in the Sinai Peninsula |
Sinai Peninusula - At an oasis in the Wilderness of Tzin. |
Mt. Sinai - heading to the top of the mountain on a ship of the desert. |
Waiting for daybreak on top of Mt. Sinai - also called Jebel Musa (Mt. Moses) |
Views of the surrounding desert atop Mt Sinai |
We descended the mountain on the Penitent Steps leading to St. Catherine Monastary. |
The monastary is built on the site of the burning bush that remains protected behind a brick wall. |